June 27, 2014
Western North Carolina Physicians for Social Responsibility
Minutes of Chapter Meeting June 27, 2014
Present: Terry Clark, Don Richardson, Stan Dienst, Leah Karpen, Phillip Besisi, Mary Olsen and Lew Patrie
Treasurer’s Report:
Previous Balance 2244.50
OREPA Exp 500.00
Supplies 143.35
Current Balance 1601.15
Green Drinks: Proposals (Pending) further discussion
- To suggest the first PSR Topic , i.e., “The Consequences of Nuclear War.”
- Request membership on the steering committee. This would mean an agreement to arrange one or two presentations each quarter.
- Better define the opportunities and obligations of “Sponsorship.”
Uranium Processing Facility: Awaiting Bob Howarth’s report on Ralph Hutchinson’s presentation (May 24th) and his Citizen Times article.
Veterans for Peace National Convention July 22-26 (Wednesday – Sunday)
PSR Keynote Speeches Thursday 3:00 – 4:30
(20min each +10min q&a)
- “The Consequences of Nuclear War,” by Steve Gilman
- ”The Uranium Processing Facility,” by Bob Howarth
- “PIVOT, The new US Military Strategy,” by Stan Dienst
The need to have a technical media expert familiar with the slide projector and sound equipment at the Lapinski Auditorium
The presentations would be in power point format, each on a USB flash drive (or DVD disk if required). One reliable laptop, a spare and Presenting cord.
The first of two practice sessions is planned for Tuesday July 1st 1:00pm at Earth Fare.
Tabling : Lew and Mary will devise a schedule. Volunteers will attend the table in two to three hour shifts. Signs, posters, brochures and reprints are needed. A small flyer promoting PSR sessions and speeches will be there as a hand-out.
On Thursday morning, there will be a laptop with a separate monitor and speakers on the table to show relevant power point presentations. (Stan will monitor). Check National PSR ‘s collection of slide shows.
PSR Sessions: Thursday 23rd, 1:30 to 2:30pm
- Radiation Effects - Mary Olson
- Defunding the production and storage of nuclear weapons - Ellen Thomas
- Toxicity of uranium processing and exposure - Helen Ferric
The Environmental Protection Agency is updating radiation standards, the comment period ending August 7th. This is important to protect ground water +++. Mary will draft a letter for our WNCPSR chapter to review and submit.
There will be a retreat (and pot luck) for PSR long range chapter planning hosted by Terry and Brita at their home early in August (the date and time to be posted on this website).
The next chapter meeting will be at noon at the Gilman’s home on Friday the 18th of July. Please come if you are interested. There is no current membership required. The directions are on the Web www.wncpsr.org.
Respectfully submitted, Stan Dienst