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March 21, 2014

Present: Phil Bisesi,  Brita Clark, Dr. Terry Clark, Dr. Stan Dienst, Steve Gilman, Bob Howarth, Irma Howarth, Rosalyn Kociemba, Tom Kociemba, John Spitzberg

Lunch and refreshments began at 12 noon, and the business meeting followed at 12:30 pm.


1. There was discussion regarding the process for reviewing and finalizing each month’s WNC/PSR monthly minutes. The most recent documentation of this process is found in the February 2014 meeting minutes. There was consensus to keep this process as-is.   

2. Treasury report: Our chapter has a balance of $1,543.92.    

3. On behalf of WNC/PSR, Terry has developed and submitted a Grant application to PSR-National.

4. Terry emailed to our core WNC/PSR information that was recently drafted by the NC Department of the Environment and Natural Resources regarding their draft 10 year plan for solid waste management. Terry recommended that we all review and provide feedback to this NC department. In addition, Brita offered to take our feedback and draft a composite WNC/PSR position.

5. Stan gave us a presentation with the message “Are we preparing for another war?” The presenttion was well received, and it was recommended that it be part of the WNC/PSR presentation at the Veterans for Peace Convention.

6. An update was provided by Phil representing the sub-committee for coalition coordination with Green Drinks and other groups. Phil indicated there are multiple levels at which WNC/PSR can participate with Green Drinks (e.g., as a presenter, as a Green Drinks co-sponsor, as a steering committee member). There was consensus that this sub-committee take the next step to provide our chapter with the labor, financial and other requirements, as well as any recommended actions.  

7. An OREPA sub-committee status report was provided by Bob.

a) Citizen Times editorial page editor, Jim Buchanan, agreed to meet on a week day with Ralph Hutchison re OREPA and raising awareness about the Uranium Processing Facility (UPF). Ralph concurred with our idea to submit a Guest Commentary article prior to his public program. Ralph suggested our emphasizing the cost of UPF in the article. Bob is preparing a draft of this commentary.

b) Blog investigation:
Bob visited the blog and believes it will be an excellent one for our purposes. One of the key items in it is “Hiroshima Revisited.”  After reading it, Bob submiitted a comment plugging awareness to UPF and listed our website for more information.

c) Work on the “Pointers” list to accompany our “writers letter” continues.

8. Bob provided an update from the Veterans for Peace sub-committee. This sub-committee has not met since  last month. However, Bob pledged that there will be a meeting soon to develop a consensus on what WNC/PSR can present at the Veterans for Peace Convention, and make a timely application submission.. John offered to provide  assistance.

Next meeting: 12:00 pm Friday, Apr. 11, 2014 at the home of Steve and Beth Gilman (18 Birchwood Lane, Asheville). Note: we usually meet the 3rd Friday of every month, however, since the 3rd Friday of April is Good Friday, there was consensus to have our next meeting on April 11.

Submitted by Steve Gilman, WNC/PSR chapter secretary

Western North Carolina (WNC) Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) Chapter meeting minutes -- Friday, Mar. 21, 2014