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November 21, 2014

WNC/PSR Steering Committee Meeting 11/21/14

Members present: Lew Patrie, Steve Gilman, Robert Howarth, Stanley Dienst, Phil Bisesi, Brita Clark, Terry Clark

Review of minutes of Oct. meeting, not done Action: review 12-19-14

Treasurers report, Lew Patrie
WNCPSR Treasury - 11/21/14,

Aug. 21 Balance $ 1362.24

  • Check # 1024 - Steve Gilman     $ 37.71,
  • Check # 1025 - Lew Patrie $ 21.69
  • Subtotal $59.40

    Oct. 17 Balance $ 1302.84,

  • Deposit PSR Nat’l Grant $ 750,
  • Deposit Nat’l Rev Sharing $ 91.25

  • Nov. 21 Balance $ 2144.00


    1.    Green Drinks presentation, January  
    2.    Steve reported on PSR Board meeting, noted progress in reaching out to the faith community. Noted that IPPNW has developed a “tool kit” for materials on humanitarian consequences of nuclear war
    3.    Carbon Rule, Terry will prepare a letter on behalf of the chapter re the EPA proposed carbon rule.
    4.    Terry will participate in a phone conference with OMB as part of a group of PSR members providing input to FDA and OMB on coal ash management
    5.    Mary Olson will do a preview presentation (11/24/14, 2PM at North Asheville library, of her upcoming presentation in Vienna on Medical Consequences of Nuclear Weapons, 12/08/14

    Today’s topic: Goal setting for 2015

    Document prepared by the executive committee on 11/14/14 and distributed to steering committee members (see attached)

    Each attendee contributed thoughts regarding goal setting:
    1.    We noted our mission statement:
    Prevention of use of nuclear weapons
    Slow and reverse climate change
    Slow and reverse degradation of the environment
    2.    Agreed, recruit members.
    3.    Agreed that we need to select a few that we address in depth. Yet, maintain flexibility to address timely topics.
    4.    Establish improved communication with area legislators so as to give input on an ongoing basis. Action: do so (form a committee?)
    5.    Continue The OREPA Project. Bob Howarth created a time-line and this provided a valuable structure enabling the chapter to accomplish the goals set for 2014. Action: Bob is creating a time-line template that we could use on other issues.
    6.    Agreed to continue the Campaign on The Humanitarian Consequences of Nuclear Weapons. Steve Gilman leads on this issue. Action: continue presentations. (Form a committee?) agenda item 12/19/14
    7.    Environmental issues, continue focus on coal ash, climate change and fracking. Action. Agenda item at steering committee
    8.    Discussion about collaboration with other organizations. We increase effectiveness working collaboratively. Agreed to emphasize collaboration.
    9.    Discussed fundraising. Noted we customarily do fund raising in conjunction with an upcoming event such as a sponsored speaker. Agreed we need to attend to fundraising. Action: agenda item for 12/19/14
    10.    Noted we are the only chapter in North Carolina.  The Florida Chapter is the only other in the southeast. We agreed for now we will remain with current catchment area yet study the matter and be open to consider taking action to expand our geographic area or encourage chapter formation in other parts of NC. We noted that Ira Helfand will be presenting to Rotary groups in the Triangle area in a few months. We could consider utilizing his visit to attract new members or a chapter in the triangle area. Action: table and revisit
    11.    Maintenance of web site. Action, ask Lew and Stan to report re recent issues with web site. Thanks for their work on website.
    12.    We need to review and consolidate membership lists. Action: agenda item
    13.    Agreed we will request Mary Olson to give us an update on current important issues at each chapter meeting.
    14.    Question, do we indicate a point-person(s) for each issue we address? Then report back to chapter?

    Next meeting: 12/19/14

    Respectfully submitted TPC

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