April 26, 2019
Minutes WNCPSR April 26 2019
Attendees: Terry Clark, Lew Patrie, Brita Clark, Bob Howarth, Phillip Bisesi, Bert Crain, Leslie
Poplawskie, unable to attend: Mary Olson, Dot Sulock
I.) Approval of minutes of March 15, 2019 meeting
II.) Treasurer’s report, Balance: April 26, 2019 $4,473.29, Lew
III.) Business
- Report on Committee on Abolition of Nuclear Weapons, noted progress on more organizations and cities announcing support of Back from the Brink Initiative, including support by Washington DC City Council and possibly Sierra club, Bert
_ Report on progress of request for support of “Back from the Brink” Initiative by Asheville City Council. Plan: Establish teams of two members to meet with each council member independently to communicate why we are seeking an endorsing resolution by the City Council.
Plan: Terry and Scott will meet and write up the resolution, talking points and plan to accomplish the meetings by our members with each council member.
- Report on plastics project, targeting decreasing use of single-use plastic bottles, Care of Creation, St Eugene and other churches participating. Noted “Going Green Project” in Asheville May 18-19th.
Brita reported the highlights of meeting, “Steps to a Nuclear Weapons Free World” that she and Terry attended at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, April 14, 2019
-Phil Bisesi introduced a concept of pulling together professionals from various disciplines to address today’s major issues such as climate change. Feedback from the group recommended that this be done apart from PSR
- Leslie introduced the idea of establishing a project such as planting cherry trees in remembrance of the deaths of people in the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This would remind the public of the devastation of using nuclear weapons and the need for abolition. Plan: further discussion of how the project would be set up.
- Next meeting: Friday, May 17th . It will be held at the home of Leslie Poplawski since our customary meeting site of The First Congregational United Church of Christ meeting room is not available on May 17th.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Clark