January 18, 2019
Minutes WNCPSR January 18 2019
Attendees: Lew Patrie, Dot Sulock, Scott Baker, Bert Crain, Mary Olson, Terry Clark,
unable to attend: Brita Clark, Bob Howarth
I.) Review and approval of minutes of 12 21 19
II.) Treasurer’s report, Balance: $4,564.52
Reimbursement: P.O. Box fee, one year $236
N.C Conservation Network $50, one year subscription
III.) New business
-Report, One PSR phone conference of chapter leaders. Focus on obtaining endorsement
of resolution on “Back from the Brink Initiative”. Also noted focus on increasing chapter capacity, Terry
-Report on conference call of National PSR Committee on Nuclear Abolition (CAN) meeting, noted support for Senate bill 3667, The Prevention of Arms Race Act of 2018, Bert
- Letters and articles:
Signatures and mailed letters re. Senate Bill 3667, The Prevention of Arms Race Act of 2018,
to NC Senators Burr and Tillis ,requesting co-sponsorship and support plus letter of appreciation to bill sponsor, Sen Jeff Merkley, Oregon
- letter to NC congressional legislators, plus Sen Rand Paul, regarding nuclear weapons reductions and abolition, revised and will be signed and sent at next meeting, Scott, Dot
- Review of venues for publishing letters and articles reviewed including several different newspapers- guest columns, letters to editor, WNCPSR website.
-Back from the Brink Campaign:
Plan to seek the Asheville City Council’s endorsement of the “Back from the Brink Resolution” recognizing the threat of nuclear weapons. We note:
1. This is a local issue. The detonation of even a few hundred nuclear weapons on the other side of the world would likely be catastrophic for most of life on Earth. This would include Asheville. We all need to be aware of this threat and do what we can to prevent such.
2. The U.S, Conference of Mayors (6/11/2018) and several cities have endorsed the “Back from the Brink” Resolution.
5. Our goal is to make this issue part of public awareness so that people and communities can learn the reality of this threat and effectively address it.
Action: Terry will contact mayor Manheimer to arrange an appointment for 4 members to introduce the issue.
- Discussion of idea to host a presentation for the community on topic related to nuclear weapons in space. This is a timely topic with recent presidential proposal to establish a separate Space Force, Action: consider topics, speaker and dates. Discuss further in Feb meeting.
Discussion of idea to host an advocacy training workshop concerning nuclear weapons issues. Discuss in February meeting.
- Discussion of idea to offer to participate in a debate addressing the question: How many nuclear weapons do we need? Action: Explore possible venues (Dot, and others)
Next meeting February 15, 2019
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Clark