February 15, 2019
Minutes WNCPSR February 15, 2019
Attendees: Terry Clark, Brita Clark, Lew Patrie, Bert Crain, Dot Sulock, Bob Howarth, Leslie Poplawski, Phillip Bisesi, Salle, Beth Gilman, Mary Olson
Unable to attend: Scott Baker
I. Minutes of 1 18 19 approved
II.) Treasurer’s report
III.) Business
-Three letters to legislators signed for mailing
-Report on Meeting (2 12 19) with Asheville Mayor re Back from the Brink Initiative support request. Mayor will contact a Mayors Association and indicate her support of “Back from the Brink” resolution. Action: To request “Back from the Brink” resolution support we first need to meet with each council member to brief them. Then after these meetings we will need to meet with the council to request support
Donation ($1000) to the Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance in support their efforts to halt construction of the proposed Uranium Processing Facility in Oak Ridge Tennessee
- Report on Committee conference call on Nuclear Weapons, Bert
- One PSR conference call report, Terry
Focus on Chapter yearly report and grant request
- Proposal to contact supporters on a regular basis (?monthly) on a nuclear weapons related issue with recommendation to contact legislators, Bob and Terry will communicate and work on proposal
Next meeting: 3/15/19
Respectfully submitted.
Terry Clark