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August 16, 2019

Minutes WNCPSR August 16, 2019

Attendees: Lew, Dot,, Scott, Mary, Terry, Leslie, Phil, Sallee. Bert, 

welcome to new member, John Kelly MD

Rachel Bliss, guest reporting on International Day of Peace activities

II.) Treasurers report balance $3,962.29

III.) Business

-Letter to legislators by Dot Sulock signed and will be mailed.

- Rachel Bliss reports on International Day of Peace activities  set for 9 21/19, Sponsored by WNC 4 Peace, Veterans for Peace and the Elder and Sage Garden. Speakers (Daniel Kovalik and Kathy Kelly). For further information and times of activities go to website: WNC4Peace

- Report from Committee on Abolition of Nuclear Weapons. Focus on Back from the Brink Campaign. Support continues to grow. Recently the Sierra Club endorsed the initiative and will work to publicize the campaign and expand support. Bert Crain

- Report from One PSR, Recent initiative to increase capacity of chapters to work on the principal issues of nuclear weapons as well as climate change Terry Clark

- Update on Asheville City Council issuing a proclamation in recognition of the work of WNCPSR on nuclear weapons issues, Set for 8 27 19

-Get-out- the- vote Initiative invitation from NC Conservation Network,we will not take on this as a wncpsr issue

- Recently published letters and guest columns:

Dot, Asheville Citizen Times, Letter to Editor, Nuclear War is a Local Issue

Lew, ACT letter to editor: August 14, 2019, Voice Your Support for No First Use

Terry, Guest column ACT, August 15, 2019, The Harmful Risk of Nuclear Weapons

Steve Wall, MD Haywood County, August 9, 2019, The Mountaineer Newspaper, letter on nuclear weapons and war

Bert Crain, August 6 2019, letter to editor of Hickory Record “Nuclear Weapons are a Threat to Our World”

Chapter Affiliation Agreement, being developed, input requested by today, Terry will reply 

Cherry Tree Project, Leslie has obtained a site for planting in park in the square in front of the County Courthouse. She will work with Brita and Terry on the details

Membership, chapter and national. The national office has sent to Terry, membership information for our cachement area. Plan: Address in Sept meeting

Visionaries Awards Event, PSR: Washington DC Event Nov 7, Mary Olson will attend. Speak with Terry if you are interested in attending

Invitation to Social event, Phil and Sallee extend an invitation to the group members for a social luncheon at their home on Saturday, 9 28 19 

Next meeting: September 20 2019

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Clark