November 15, 2019
Minutes, WNCPSR Chapter Meeting, November 15, 2019
Attendees: Lew, Terry, Bert, Dot, Brita, Phil B., Sallee, Johnny, Bob, guest, Dr. David Mouw representing Citizens Climate Lobby, Unable to attend: Mary Olson, Leslie Poplawskie
I.) Approval of minutes of meeting of 10/18/19
II.) Treasurer’s report balance $3,912.29
“Network for good” contribution of $70 declined due to complex terms by the company
III.) Business
- Change of Postal Box number to: Western North Carolina Chapter Physicians for Social Responsibility, P.O. Box 17613, Asheville NC 28816
- Need new business cards with Box # change
- Need to notify contacts re Box # change
- Bert Crain’s letter on Open Skies Treaty, reviewed, signed and will be mailed to federal legislators
-Terry Clark’s letter to senators re climate change/Paris Agreement, reviewed, signed to be mailed
- Request of support from Dr. David Maun for HB 763 Cenergy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, HR 763 (US Call to Action on Climate Equity) supported by Citizens Climate Lobby, majority expressed approval yet formal vote delayed until members that so desire may read more about the bill before voting.
- Cherry Tree Planting Update. Date for planting ceremony will be Friday, Dec 6. 2019, 3:30 PM at Pack Plaza, in front of courthouse, tree purchased and ready, Asheville GreenWorks will transport tree and help with planting. Followup care of tree arranged. Details of program being developed including comments by speakers, poem, singing and/or music and more. Committee will continue work on the project.
- Report, brief, on visit to Hiroshima, will reschedule. Terry and Brita
-Chapter support provided at request of National PSR Office in signing a petition supporting legislation that will restore Federal Benefits such as medicaid for South Pacific Islanders living in US., which was discontinued with tax reform in the 2990’s. The Act is called The Compacts of Free Asssociation. Senator Hirono and Representative Cardenes (S bill 2218 and HR 4821).
WNCPSR, notified/requested on 11/13/19 with last day on 11/14/19 to sign on to letter of support, to legislators. Executive Committee voted to join in signing the letter.
-Terry requests we establish a committee to assess organizational structure including support in administrative duties, help with communications including employed staff, use of social media, term limits of officers. We will add this as item for next meeting.
- Sallee and Phil announce an invitation to a holiday social luncheon, at their home in Black mountain on Saturday, December 7th at 1:00 PM. Pot luck format.
- Next Chapter meeting on Friday, December 20, 2019 at usual place and time, First Congregational Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. Asheville. 12:00-12:30 social and bag lunch, business meeting 1:30 til 2:00 PM
Respectfully submitted, Terry Clark