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August 22, 2015

Minutes, Retreat WNC/PSR    8/22/15

Held at Terry & Brita’s house, 10 am – 2:30 pm

Attending: Terry Clark, Brita Clark, Irma Howarth, Bob Howarth, Phil Bisesi, Larry Missig, Stan Dienst, Brad Dienst, Steve Gilman, Beth Gilman, Lew Patrie, Dot Sulock, Ken Jones, The following notified they were unable to attend: Mary Olson, Sasha Hussey, Phil Pritchard and Susan Ohler

The meeting was facilitated by Ken Jones.

Morning Session:
Lew gave a treasurer’s report. There is a balance of $1,780.26

There was a review of some of the accomplishments over the past year. All accomplishments are recorded in minutes of monthly meetings.

  • Report on the OREPA Hiroshima, Nagasaki Commemorative rally and march to Y-12 Plant on August 8th, 2015
  • Steve Gillman provided a report of his work as a PSR National Board Member. This includes, in part: attending board meetings,  serving on the Audit Committee, Security Committee and the Development Committee. He noted that the principal current focus of the Security Committee is the Iran Deal and the video contest about nuclear weapons issues.

Brainstorming of issues that the group would like to address in the near future:

  • Revise the brochure about the nuclear industry.
  • Consult with someone who knows about marketing on making the brochure appealing to young people.
  • Increase membership for all age groups.
  • Pay more attention to the climate change issue.
  • Make public the financial cost of the nuclear industry. Collaborate with other groups doing this.
  • Educate people about nukes.
  • Make note of the Ochsner Life Long Learning Institute (OLLI) at UNCA as a good opportunity to educate people about nuclear issues in a course lasting several weeks.
  • Find a public place for the WNCPSR meetings. Action: members will explore various opportunities for a public place for meetings.
  • Arrange speaker opportunities for members.
  • Distribute the revised brochures at events.
  • Consider holding more events at MAHEC.
  • Consider more speakers at Green Drinks.
  • Reach out more to practicing doctors and nurses.
  • Do advocacy around approving the deal with Iran. Immediate priority. Action: see below.
  • Have an event in connection with the annual Keep Space for Peace Week.  First week in October. Reference:  Bruce Gagnon – Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space:] Action: see below.
  • Establish a WNCPSR Facebook page and use it. For example use the event function. Action: Terry will ask suggested volunteers.
  • Connect with faith groups that are working on climate change.
  • Consider working on wellness issues.
  • Establish a membership committee.
  • Consider holding a video-making project about nuclear weapons for young people.
  • Keep a record of our work.

We had a wonderful lunch, THANKS to Brita!

After lunch, we discussed actions to take in the next 6 months:

1.    Action: advocate for the approval of the Iran Deal

2.    The OREPA support committee will plan activity for the next six months.

  • Bob, Terry, and Lew will serve on this committee.
  • Bob or Terry will speak with Ralph Hutchison to explore how we can support the work of OREPA. Explore having a WNC/PSR member as a representative on the OREPA board.

3.    Assess the Outreach Committee and consider establishing a  Membership/Outreach Committee
No clear plan/action set. Need to revisit.

4.    Designate people as liaisons for other local organizations. Action: The following people volunteered to serve as liaisons:

  • Veterans for Peace – Lew
  • OREPA – Terry & Bob
  • Sierra Club – Phil
  • NAACP – Brita
  • Just Peace for Israel/Palestine – Ken
  • World Affairs Council – Terry
  • Other possibilities: Move to Amend, Mountain True, Union of Concerned Scientists, WNC for Peace, faith groups etc.

5.    International Day of Peace

  • Action: Dot will see about having a table on the UNCA quad for literature etc.

6.    Keep Space for Peace Week

  • Dot will write an op ed that refers to the website (see above) and mentions the movie, titled “Pax Americana and the Weaponization of Space” that can be obtained at :