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June 19, 2015

Minutes, WNC/PSR June 19, 2015
Attendees: Lew Patrie, Stan Dienst, Phillip Pritchard, Terry Clark, Mary Olson, Brita Clark, Susan Oehler, Pete Southerland,

I.    Review and approval of minutes of May 16, 2015 meeting, one correction: Phillip Pritchard attended on 5/16/15.

II.    Treasurer’s report,  Lew Patrie report: $2, 529.00 balance, pending expenses Honorium ($100), gas $30 to Ralph Hutchison for meeting/presentation on 6/11/15, $50 to Rachel Bliss for preparation for International Peace Day

III.    Business
Draft report for plan for remainder of 2015 completed,
Action: Draft report will be circulated to steering committee. Table discussion until retreat in late August

-Membership list request from PSR National Office,
Action: Terry will request help from Lew and Steve and reply to request

-Report of  National Board Meeting by Steve Gilman, Report posted on website

-Green Drinks, presentations requested for July, August, September, Action: Terry will speak with Julie and Rachel and Phil. Dr. Patrie offered to give a presentation on July 22nd on the relationship of exposure to radiation and what is known of radiation as a carcinogen.

No topic agreed upon yet for August 26th. Phil Bisesi has arranged for a speaker for the topic “Going Solar” to be held at St. Eugene’s Church on September 30th.

-Drone Quilt exhibit follow-up. Exhibit will be at the Asheville Area Arts Council Gallery in the Grove Arcade. Our chapter has been requested for one of us to speak at a panel on July 21st. So far we have not identified a person that could present and who is available. Action: Looking for a person who can address the psychological impact of Drone warfare. Terry will communicate with Ken Jones. Our chapter will notify our membership and contact list of the exhibit to be shown July 13th -25th.

-Hiroshima, Nagasaki, plans to attend Oak Ridge event, August 8,( see below)

-Chapter Leadership meeting, Washington D.C.
September 19, 20, 21. Terry and Brita plan to attend. We discussed the possibility of offering financial support for one of the younger members in the chapter to attend. Action: group voted for Terry to explore interest of younger members. We will reserve two rooms at the conference hotel.    

- PowerPoint presentation on Climate Change by Stan Dienst, Action: discussed potential venues, provided comments. Action, Stan has plans for a couple of presentations. Group approved up to $100 for preparation of a poster to accompany presentations.

-International Peace Day, September 19, 20, 21
Action: approved $50 contribution for support of preparation for event. Lew Patrie will write a check and deliver it to Rachel Bliss. We will tell Rachel Bliss that we are pleased to be listed as an International Peace Day Activities supporter in guidebook that will be prepared by The Mountain Express. Lew plans to attend next event planning committee. Terry will call Mayor’s office, 828 259 5604, done, as requested to confirm our group’s name on the Peace Day Proclamation. 

-    Report on visit by Ralph Hutchison on 6/28/15,
Discussion held regarding the disappointing NPT Review Conference in that the US would not support working towards a nuclear weapons-free Middle East.
-     We discussed Hiroshima/Nagasaki, August 8,  commemoration event in Oak Ridge.
-    Ralph Hutchison was interviewed by David Hurrand at WCQS radio station.  
-    Action: We agreed to provide some money for gas if some people drive their car and provide a ride for others to Oak Ridge for Hiroshima, Nagasaki Commemorative event on August 8th. Action: approved honorium and money for gas.

-    CHAT report, Stan Dienst recommends video of presentation by Alan Lockwood

-    Next meeting: no regular monthly meeting in July or August.

-    Set date a half day retreat for August, either Friday August 21st or Saturday August 22nd. Half day retreat plus lunch to establish agenda and time line for rest of 2015 and early 2016. Action: Terry will circulate a memo that explores the choice of date for retreat.

Respectfully submitted,
Terry Clark MD

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