October 16, 2015
Minutes WNC/PSR Steering Committee Meeting, October 16, 2015
Present: Terry Clark, Steve Gilman, Brita Clark, Bob Howarth, Irma Howarth, Lew Patrie, Phil Bisesi.
Unable to attend: Stan Dienst, Mary Olson
I. Minutes of meeting of September 25, 2015 approved
II. Treasurer’s report, Lew Patrie $1,780.26
III. Old Business
Reimbursement of expenses:
Stan Dienst and Terry Clark will submit expenses for attendance at Chapter Leadership meeting and Climate Health Summit, Steve Gilman will submit expenses after he attends November National Board meeting, Stan and ? reimbursed for $20 out of pocket reimbursement for expenses for supplies by Phil Bisesi.
IV. New Business
Action: Membership Committee established. Steve Gilman chairman; Phil Bisesi and Terry Clark, committee members.
Functions of Membership Committee: Scope of the WNC/PSR Membership Committee
-Climate Change and Clean Power Plan. Each state has individual goals they must meet, stipulated by EPA. Each state urged to formulate their own plan as to how they will achieve their goals. Action: Terry will find out what NC goals are and what plan NC is formulating.
-Phil Bisesi – Development, outreach, events, membership, Green Drinks. Action: Phil will serve on membership committee.
OREPA Support Project, Action: Bob, Terry and Lew will meet and develop actions and a timeline
- Stan Dienst has created a Climate Change Power Point Presentation. Action: Terry will confer with Stan about finding a time and venue where Stan can present.
“The Man Who Saved the World” a movie recommended by PSR Security Committee as a project to bring the public’s attention to the ongoing concerns re use of nuclear weapons based on miscalculation or accident. A useful project to increase awareness of this ongoing serious threat to all of life and the planet. Action: Terry will look further into this and report next meeting.
Americans see the issue of climate change as distant from us. As humans we see it as plants, penguins, polar bears and ice. Seen as political problem not effecting them, as if it’s not about people. People think: “I don’t want to hear about it”. Americans are deeply concerned about health as a personal issue. 9 out of 10 people have no idea of risk of climate change to human health!