May 15, 2015
Minutes, WNCPSR May 15, 2015
10:30 AM until 12:00 noon
Attendees, Mary Olson, Lew Patrie, Terry Clark, Steve Gilman, Stan Dienst, Robert Howarth, Ron Taylor
The group welcomed Ron Taylor, a first time attendee.
I. Review and approval of minutes of April 17 meeting with two corrections, Added missed item that we voted to send a $300 donation to OREPA, in part to help with possible pending legal action against the National Nuclear Agency, also added listing of attendees.
II. Treasurers report, Lew Patrie. Reviewed expenditures and deposits. Balance, 5/14/15, $3,462.75 Thank you to Lew for clarifying financial details.
$85 donations to OREPA at our April 28th event will be sent to OREPA.
III. Business
A. Chapter grant received from PSR National! $2,250.
We reviewed Catherine Thomason’s letter. Action: Terry will send thank you letter. We will review our listed goals for 2015 to help plan the focus of our work.
We formed a committee to:
a. Review goals for 2015 and report back to the chapter.
b. Same committee will address planning for Ralph Hutchison’s visit on May 28th
c. Review request for one of us to give a presentation in July at Drone Exhibition event.
d. Address our participation in 3 day Peace Day celebration in September.
Committee members: Terry Clark, Steve Gilman, Mary Olson, Phil Pritchard, Phil Bisesi. Committee will meet during week of 5/18/15
e. We will each watch the power-point prepared and distributed by Stan Dienst so we can begin to plan re venues for showing.
B. Review of April 28th event, The Medical Consequences of Nuclear War. (discussion)
1. Great food prepared by Irma Howarth, Mary Olson and Brita Clark! Action: Thank you letter
2. Audience interest and many good questions
3. Audience of about 60 people, great questions and discussion
4. Outstanding quality of presentations by Mary Olson and Steve Gilman.
5. Excellent conference room at MAHEC.
6. Support and assistance from Dan Keyser and Kim Keyser with distributing materials and arranging tables and chairs. Thank you.
1. Low turn-out from the physician community.
2. We could be better organized in getting names of attendees.
1. Continue planning how to add new chapter members including physicians.
2. Always have good food. People appreciate such.
C. Steve Gilman gave a report of the highlights of the recent National PSR Board meeting, 5/23-5/25 in Washington D.C. He noted that the board is very supportive of facilitating the chapters to address the two principal PSR programs
1. Humanitarian Consequences of Nuclear War
2. Climate change.
He also noted the national organization’s focus on issues associated with the current review of the Nonproliferation Treaty at the United Nations.
D. Mary Olson presented highlights of her presentation at the United Nation’s last week on the topic of gender disparity of malignancies related to exposure to ionizing radiation based upon analysis of the Hiroshima/Nagasaki follow-up studies.
E. Steve Gilman announced that PSR National is sponsoring a short film contest on nuclear war. Details can be found at:
F. Request by Ken Jones/VFP for someone to present on 7/21/15 on topic of the psychological effects of drone killings in targeted communities. Action: Above mentioned planning committee will address and make recommendation to chapter steering committee.
G. Request to work in coalition with VFP, communication with Ed Sacco in February 2015, follow-up, Lew, Terry
Action: Lew or Terry will contact Ed Sacco
H. 5/27/15, Green Drinks, WNCPSR sponsored presentation by Mary Caldwell, Medical Ethicist, Mission Hospital “Medical Ethics with Emphasis on Issues Encountered at the End of Life”
Social 5:30 – 6:00
Presentation 6:00 - 7:00 PM
Green Sage Restaurant, downtown Asheville
I. Visit by Ralph Hutchison, May 28th , Action: committee established and will meet next week
J. PSR Chapter leaders meeting, Washington DC
September 18th- 21st. Note that this conflicts with Asheville 3 day planned Earth Day celebration. Action: address this topic in June meeting.
K. Note: comments submitted to Air Quality Board re Sulfur Dioxide levels, by Terry Clark, Beth Gilman and Phil Bisesi
L. Stan Dienst distributed a power-point presentation to each attendee on Climate Change with special emphasis on the severe drought on the west coast. Stan emphasized the great importance of addressing the climate change’s threat to the planet and all life.
Action: we each will watch the power-point presentation
And discuss at June meeting a plan of showing the
M. Green Drinks, Phil Bisesi announced he would like for us to do presentations in June and July, on the topics of cancer, the silent killer and on treating the whole person. Group members expressed reservations about presenting two topics in the next two months and that although these are great topics that they are not our areas of focus. Several requested clarification on how many programs per year we agreed to arrange. Plan: Terry and Phil will meet and review the issues.
N. Next meeting: Friday June 20th at Green Sage Restaurant, Westgate Plaza, next to EarthFare. 12:00 – 2 PM
Respectfully submitted, Terry Clark