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December 18, 2015

Minutes WNC/PSR December 18, 2015

Present: Lewis Patrie, Stan Dienst, Phillip Bisesi, Phillip Prichard, Robert Howarth, Irma Howarth, Terry Clark, Brita Clark, Jim Tolbert, Nancy Sanders
Steve Gilman unable to attend.

I. Review and approval of minutes of November 20th steering committee meeting

II. Treasurers report: Lew  Patrie, balance: $442.51  

III.   Business:
- Dr. Dienst presented:    “Global Climate Change”, followed by discussion on climate change

-Distribution of book, “Doing Democracy”, we did not set a date for book discussion.

Committee reports:
OREPA support Project, Bob Howarth presented the attached report:

Security Committee, (National), discussion of The Obama administrations to build 1000 new nuclear air launched cruise missiles. Destabilizing, unnecessary, costly. Reviewed letter by Senator Markey and six other senators to Mr. Obama, expressing concern.                                                                  

One PSR, no report

Membership, committee met, clarified responsibilities of the committee,

Next meeting:   January 15, 2016

Respectfully submitted, Terry Clark


Dec. 18, 2015

1. The final article in our 2015 Awareness Raising project is scheduled to be published in the Asheville Citizen Times on Sunday Dec. 27, an excellent piece by Mary Olson regarding the new information she has derived from The Hiroshima/Nagasaki bombings and BEIR VII data regarding significantly greater radiation harm for children & women than for adult males.

2. Emphasizing the application of our Awareness Raising to the upcoming 2016 elections. This and the suggestion will likely be presented for approval at our Jan. 2016 meeting, so think about it & give us some feedback before then.

3. A letter to the editor of AVL C-T were sent regarding the warlike tenor of the Dec.15 debate among the Republican Presidential Candidates.

Future letters in 2016 to our legislators are envisioned with emphasis on weapons, budget and dangers.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert Howarth