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November 20, 2015

Minutes WNC/PSR November 20, 2015

Meeting held at The First Congregational Church of Christ

Attendees: Terry Clark, Brita Clark, Bob Howarth, Steve Gilman, Lew Patrie, Phil Bisesi, Stan Dienst, Mary Olson

I.     Minutes of October 16, 2015, reviewed and approved

II.    Treasurers report, Lew reported on finances                                             
Reimbursement of expenses by members, done

III Business

Meeting location: Group members voiced their appreciation to The First Congregational Church of Christ for permitting us to use a space for our monthly meetings. Action: Group voted unanimously to send a small monthly donation to the church.($10 per month, paid quarterly). Terry will compose a letter of appreciation to church officials.

“Doing Democracy” Lew commented regarding this book by Bill Moyer. It addresses The Movement Action Plan of Social Activism (MAP). It is helpful in understanding the various roles activists fulfill.  Action:  purchase five copies, set date for a book discussion.

OREPA support project report, Bob reviewed time line. 3 guest columns published in Asheville Citizen Times, a fourth pending for December, another in January.

PSR National Board Meeting highlights, Steve provided a brief report. He noted emphasis on The Humanitarian Consequences of nuclear war and providing the medical voice on nuclear weapons and climate change.  Steve will serve as a member of the developmental committee, finance committee and will chair the fundraising sub-committee. He will continue serving on the security committee and drop off the audit committee.

WNC/PSR Membership Committee report, Steve reviewed the scope of the committee, meeting set for December 4th                           

Security Committee Report: brief comments Steve, Terry                        

One PSR report, Terry noted request from Catherine Thomasson for volunteers for a membership task force. Action: further discussion                                                        

CTS superfund industrial site in Arden. Contaminated with the carcinogen, trichloroethylene. EPA is requesting public input regarding their clean-up plans. Action: Terry will write-up and distribute talking points. Members encouraged to contact EPA as individuals. Terry will prepare and send a letter on behalf of  WNC/PSR. The deadline for submission of comments is November 30th.

Clean Power Plan: Noted that NC has joined in a suit with 23 other states to oppose EPA directives that each state create a plan to reduce carbon emissions by a specific set percentage.Action/ Plan: Find out more specifics and address state and or EPA officials.      

Dr. Dienst has prepared a presentation on Global Climate Change with an emphasis on impact on the Colorado River Basin and impact on the several surrounding states. Action/plan. Set a date for Dr. Dienst to present.

Mary Olson noted that in January, as part of her work as the Southeast Regional Coordinator of The Nuclear Information Resource Services, (NIRS), she will be traveling to Japan for a one month visit to serve as a consultant on the effects of radiation.         

Next meeting: December 18 2015 at the First Congregational Church of Christ, 20 Oak street in downtown Asheville, 12:00 noon til 2:00 PM