April 21, 2017
Minutes WNCPSR April 21, 2017
Attendees: Terry Clark, Brita Clark, Lew Patrie, Bob Howarth, Irma Howarth, Bert Crain, Mary Olson, Dot Sulock
I. Review and approval of minutes of meeting on 3/17/17 done with correction of who attended
II. Treasurer’s report, balance $3,575, Lew Patrie
III. Old business
IV. New business
- Web site difficulty
- March for Science, Asheville 3 22 17, clear scientific input needed, see article by Peter Gorman in Huffington Post
-Report by Mary Olson on UN Side Session preparation
-Report, brief, by Terry and Brita on Chapter Leadership meeting 3/31- 4/2/17
-Nuclear Weapons Committee Report, Review of pending guest columns Bob Howarth
-Executive Committee report
-Yucca Mountain storage of nuclear waste, legislation to reactivate
-Letter sign-on Yucca Mountain, Mary Olson
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Clark