MAY 19, 2017
Minutes, WNCPSR May 19, 2017
Attendees: Lew Patrie, Terry Clark, Brita Clark, Mary Olson, Robert Howarth, Irma Howarth, Phil Bisesi, Sallee Damaso Unable to attend: Dot Sulock, Scott Baker
I. Review and approval of minutes of 4/21/17
II. Treasurer’s report Lew Patrie. Balance, May 16, 2017: $3,721.72
III. Business:
- Several Chapter members participated along with several thousand people in The March for Science in downtown Asheville on April 21, 2017
- The group discussed the passing of Steve Gilman, a major loss for all.
- Mary Olson reported on preparation for UN side session
- Letter from Senator Tillis re nuclear weapons was reviewed. He emphasizes his view that the world is highly dangerous. He supports modernization of our nuclear weapons arsenal. The group concurred that this is an opportunity to have dialogue with the senator and his staff concerning the global humanitarian consequences of nuclear war.
- PEPPER project: Phil Bisesi reviewed his proposal to establish a project that the chapter might consider taking on which would involve multiple organizations developing a program based on shared ethical principles that would address issues such as environmental and nuclear weapons. Group members commented that this is a good and worthy idea however this is not a project that the chapter has the personnel to develop. The group requested further update about the development of the project. Terry and Scott will meet with Phil on 5 15 17 to learn more about the proposed ethics based program.
- Executive Committee report, Plan: establish a new member of the committee, Terry will work on this.
- Nuclear Weapons Report. Review pending regarding further scheduling of Guest columns.
- Need for clerical support, the group unanimously agreed that Terry can obtain clerical support for the chapter work. Plan: develop specifics of the clerical support.
Next meeting: There will be no monthly chapter meeting in June due to schedule conflicts.
The next chapter meeting will be on July 21st
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Clark