July 21, 2017
Minutes WNCPSR July 21, 2017
Attendees: Terry Clark, Brita Clark, Lew Patrie, Phil Bisesi, Sallee Damaso,
Unable to attend: Bert Crain, Dot Sulock, Bob Howarth
I. Review and approval of minutes of May 19, 2017; there was no meeting in June.
II. Treasurer’s report, Dr. Patrie, balance: on July 20, 2017: $6,846.04 ( Funds held for UN project $2469.72; WNCPSR available funds $4366.42)
III. Business
Executive Committee, Dot Sulock agrees to serve on Executive Committee along with Lew and Terry
Bert Crain is interested if there is an opportunity to serve as board member of PSR National Board. Plan: Terry will communicate with PSR National office.
Copies of PSR Annual Report, distributed by Lew, Terry will bring extra copies to August meeting for further distribution
Hiroshima/Nagasaki Commemoration will be held in Oak Ridge on August 5th and 6th.
Lew shared a petition from No-Nukes-Y’all which expresses concern regarding the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit in July 2017, which promoted nuclear energy as a sustainable energy source. This promotion is led by IAEA. Plan: further discussion.
The WNCPSR Chapter co-sponsored an event on July 20,2017, “Report Back from the UN” concerning work on Treaty to ban nuclear weapons, including the side sessions organized by Mary Olson.
Upcoming events: Friday August 25 Sowing Seeds of Peace, 10- 11:30 AM. Focus will be the Treaty to Ban Nuclear Weapons, Mary Olson First Congregational United Church of Christ.
Group decided to review our Goals for remainder of 2017 at next meeting.
Next meeting: August 18, 2017
Respectfully submitted.
Terry Clark MD
Chairperson WNCPSR