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October 20, 2017

Minutes WNCPSR October 20, 2017

Attendees: Lew Patrie, Mary Olson, Beth Gilman, Bert Crain, Dot Sulock, Terry Clark, Don Richardson, Bob Howarth, Irma Howarth

I. Minutes of Sept 15, 2017 approved as written.

II. Treasurer’s report Lew Patrie

III. Business
Noted: -Guest column, ACT, “Nuclear weapons Threaten our Health” by Bert Crain 10/2/17. A larger nuclear exchange with Russia would result in the end of civilization and life as we know it. Check out this story on

-Raising Nuclear Awareness Project, Bob Howarth reported on schedule of pending authors.

-Letter to Senators Burr and Tillis and Representatives Meadows and McHenry, concerning nuclear weapons proliferation in North Korea and Iran, prepared by Dot Sulock. All group members signed the letters and they will be mailed promptly. See attached.

-Update on progress of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, Mary Olson notes that x have signed the treaty. Signatore nations are now working with their legislators to obtain ratification. The Treaty will come into effect on December 7th. 2017

Pending: Gala event, PSR in Washington DC 11 9 17, Celebrating the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and honoring Ira Helfand for his work on nuclear weapons. Consider attending, WNCPSR chapter is co-hosting the event.

Ideas for a local event WNCPSR, discussed and proposals made, A sub-committee of Mary Olson, Beth Gilman, Terry Clark, Brita Clark will meet and work and report back to group.

Next WNCPSR meeting: November 17, 2017

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