February 16, 2018
Minutes WNCPSR February 16, 2018
Attendees: Terry Clark, Lew Patrie, Bob Howarth, Mary Olson, Scott Baker, Dot Sulock, Beth Gilman, John Curry, Bert Crain
I. Approval of minutes as written January 19, 2018
II. Treasurer’s report, Balance $4186.64, Lew Patrie
III. Business
- Follow-up items
-Leslie’s offer to teach how to use Twitter, Terry expresses interest in learning. Plan: follow-up.
-General membership/ public meeting options: look into inviting Daniel Ellsberg, Steve Buser or Ralph Hutchison and/or other speaker
Nuclear Weapons Committee report: Bob Howarth. The Committee met on Jan. 30th attendees: Terry Clark, Lew Patrie, and Dot Sulock & Bob Howarth.
- Plans and announcements:
- Terry will submit a guest column in March.
- Terry will prepare a letter for the general membership to send out with information regarding a scheduled speaker.
- Encourage members to write letters to editor about nuclear weapons issues.
- Stan Dienst submitted a letter to editor of The Hendersonville Times-News
- Dot Sulock scheduled to give a presentation at Black Mountain Unitarian Universalist Church on topic:
- “What Can People do to Make a Safer World”
- March 8th 7-9 PM, St Eugene’s Catholic Church, Speaker Marie Dennis, president of Pax Christi delivers a presentation on- disarmament/peace/nuclear weapons. We will have a table for WNCPSR. Action: notify people on mailing list.
– The most recent published guest editorial was Oct. 1, 2017, Nuclear weapons threaten our health by Bert Crain.
- Lew Patrie, Bob Howarth, Terry and Dot have submitted others. Terry, Brita and Bob met with Asheville Citizen Times Editorial Editor, Casey Blake. Casey clarified some aspects pertaining to article acceptance for publishing.
-Ralph Hutchison willing to speak in Asheville. Also he offered to supply 100 Peace Cranes as event tokens and 50 copies of the March 2018 OREPA News for the March 8 Pax Christi event.
Ralph reported that a “Position Paper” on nuclear weapons adopted by the Presbyterian Church of Tennessee. The Presbyterian Church in Raleigh is considering support of the position. Ralph will send a copy to us.
- Article on China vs United States Nuclear Arsenals submitted to Asheville Citizen Times and we will send signed copies sent to our legislators and posted on our website.
-One PSR- chapt. Leader’s conference call 2-14-18 report by Terry. Emphasized working in coalition with other groups.
Security Committee Report 2-6-18 report, notes great concern re risk of nuclear weapons in conflict with North Korea, Terry
OREPA follow-up¸ reviewed that OREPA continues to work to oppose the new Uranium Processing Facility Bob Terry
Chapter report and 2018 grant request. Terry will complete.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Clark
Chairperson WNCPSR