November 16, 2018
Minutes, WNCPSR Chapter Meeting, Nov 16, 2018
Attendees: Terry, Brita, Bob, Leslie, Bert, Lew, Dot, Scott,
Phil Biessi, Sallee
Unable to attend: Mary
I.) Approval of Minutes 10/19/18 with 2 corrections
II.) Treasurer’s report, balance: $4,871, Lew
- Scott submitted expenses associated with attendance at PSR event,
Honoring Visionaries in Wash, DC
III. Business-
- Noted the dire events in California,,fire, loss of life, missing people, property damage and adverse health effects from air pollution. A developing situation is the risk of chemical and radionuclide release at Santa Susana Field Lab (500,000 people live within 5 miles). We noted the risk of serious fire caused events at regional commercial and DOE nuclear sites in the SouthEast.
- Three letter to legislators reviewed, signed by the group and will be sent to congressional representatives and senators.
Letters: (3)
Letter in support: “Hold the LYNE Act” H.R. 6840/S.3448
(Low Yield Nuclear Explosive Act)
- Letter in support of INF Treaty
-Letter expressing concerns regarding proposed transport of high level nuclear waste, comments to Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) as input to the Environmental Impact Study (EIS).
- Leslie reported an opportunity to staff a PSR Information table at food Co-Op on Biltmore Ave. Several members volunteered.
Event will be held on Saturday, 12-1-18, depending on weather.
- Report on PSR event Honoring Visionaries, Scott noted it was a very positive experience.
- Two articles in Asheville Citizen Times reviewed: 1.) Recent guest column re climate change, and 2.) letter re nuclear weapons. Noted as opportunity to send followup comments, Bob
-Back from the Brink Campaign: No reply yet from Asheville Mayor Manheimer, Terry will followup.
- Report on Michael Ketterer’s presentation, Core of his work is ability to identify the source of uranium in the environment by measuring the presence and ration of uranium isotobes. Some of his work has included identification of the source of uranium in the Nolichuckey River.
-Report on ONE PSR teleconference, One principal focus is “Back from the Brink Campaign”. Terry
-Report on Nat’l PSR Committee on Abolition of Nuclear Weapons (CAN), Terry
Next meeting, December 21, 2018. Will be held at Dot Sulock’s home accompanied by a pot-luck luncheon
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Clark