July 20, 2018
Minutes WNCPSR July 20, 2018
Attendees: Terry Clark, Lew Patrie, Scott Baker, Dot Sulock, Bob Howarth, Bert Crain, Beth Gilman
Unable to attend: Brita, Mary
I.) Approval of minutes May meeting, not available
II.) Treasurer’s report: Balance $5,613.14
III.) Business
-Letter by Bert Crain to legislators signed by group and mailed
-Letter by Dot Sulock signed and will be mailed.
-Request by Ken Jones for PSR support of March (Disarm Trident: “Savannah to Kings Bay Peace Walk” September 3 -14 providing support for Plowshares 7 . Terry to speak with Ken Jones and Martin Fleck
-Hiroshima Nagasaki commemoration planning, local, Oak Ridge
WNCPSR will sponsor vigil on Monday August 6th and participate in Vigil with Women in Black on August 3rd and with Veterans for Peace on Tuesday, August 7th
- Peter Lumsdaine presentation July 1, 2018 at The Block off Biltmore, Points: connect with
Move-on; hope, opportunity,consider PSR North Carolina, consider office and staff support.
-Report from One PSR meeting (chapter leaders) PSR National and Chapter membership clarification
- Report from PSRCAN, (Committee on Abolition of Nuclear Weapons) Bert, Terry
- Advocacy Training opportunity by PSR National, Terry will speak with Martin Fleck
-WNCPSR picnic/retreat 6/16/18 report, Scott Baker, Terry, Brita, Lew, Phil, Sallee, Dot, Bob, Irma, Draft presented by Scott regarding Goals, Strategies, establish teams; plan meet with -legislators, (Brita has requested meeting with Burr or staff), keep informed, Publicize to membership re recent events
Next WNCPSR Meeting August 17, 2018