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October 19, 2018

 Minutes, October 19, 2018,WNC PSR Chapter Meeting 

Attendees: Lew, Leslie, Beth, Phil B. Phil N. Terry, Scott, Mary
Unable to attend: Dot, Brita, Bert

I.) Review and approval of minutes of September 21, 2018 

II.) Treasurer’s report: Balance $4996.14 

III.) Business

- proposed project, Leslie shared a banner/work of art addressing nuclear weapons issues, with plan to use at a pending vigil at Vance Memorial

- Vigil Action: Topic, emphasis on Nuclear Weapons in Space. Set for 5:30 -6:30 on Tuesday 11 13 18

- PSR National event, “Honoring the Visionaries” on 11 8 18, Washington DC, Scott and Flossie Baker plan to attend.

- Presentation by Ketterer and Szechenyl, set for Thursday, 10 25 18, focus will be the determination of the source of isotopes of uranium found in the environment

- Back from the Brink, followup request sent to Mayor for endorsement by City of Asheville.

-Deadline upcoming extended for one more month to send e-mail to NRC at regarding NRC-WCS EIS2018,
Tell NRC: Oppose Nuclear Waste Interim Dumps and nationwide transport to Texas and New Mexico. Clarify deadline date for sending comments to NRC and submit. Mary Olson has e-mailed the group with draft comments we can edit and submit.

Next WNCPSR Chapter meeting 11/16/18

Respectfully Submitted,

Terry Clark