May 18, 2018
Minutes, WNC/PSR, May 18, 2018
I.) Review and approval minutes 4 20 18
II.) Treasurer’s report, balance $5959.39, Lew Patrie
III.) Business:
-Nuclear Weapon’s Committee report, met May 3, 2018, report: Bob, Terry, Lew, committee recommends establishing a lobby team to facilitate contacting legislators about PSR issues
-Lobby Team Design and Purpose, Draft, Bob Howarth, attached
- Proposed Chapter Project 2018, reviewed, attached.
- “Back from the Brink” noted as excellent guide for our work on nuclear weapons
-Oppose EPA’s proposed rule: “Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science” Members encouraged to contact Scott Pruitt, head of EPA to oppose this regulatory change.
-Respectfully submitted,
Terry Clark