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April 15, 2022



-Meeting and picnic luncheon celebration held at Warren Park, Asheville, out of doors in picnic area

Meeting chaired by Scott Baker

12:00 – 2:00 PM

-Attendees, Scott, Lew, Lynn, Dot, Robert H., Irma H., Phil B. Sallee D.,Brita C., Terry C., Bert C. Mary O. Unable to attend meeting: Leslie

-Noon-12:50 Celebration for Terry and Brita in appreciation for their leadership of many years. Preparation of picnic area by Leslie and Scott, Presentation of watercolor painting and flowers, prepared by Leslie; Presentations and comments by Scott, Lew, Dot and others.

-Business Meeting: 12:50 -2:00 PM 

-Minutes of March 18th approved as written. Terry reminded that we stated in last meeting that we would establish an Executive Committee.

Treasurer’s Report – balance, Feb 28th: $1,896.92

Purchase of checks: 23.80

Current balance $1,873.32

-Treasurer office open: Scott noted that checks for $200 donation towards Winn King’s medical care and $240 to Webonobo for management of WNCPSR Web Site, apparently not yet cashed. Plan: Terry will followup to see that the checks have been received

-Offices – Following officers established:

Chair – Scott Baker

Vice Chair and Secretary – Terry Clark

Treasurer – Bert Crain

-Executive Committee: Established, Scott, Bert, Terry (?)

-Post Office Box: Our WNCPSR mailbox is located at the West Asheville Post Office

Mailing address:

WNCPSR Chapter

P.O. Box 17613

West Asheville Post Office

1302 Patton Avenue

Asheville NC 28806

-Letters to Editor and /guest columns

“War in Ukraine Highlights Clear Need to abolish Nuclear Weapons”,Scott Baker, Guest column, Asheville Citizen Times, 3/27/22, and in Transylvania Times, Brevard, NC

-letters to the editor: “Why We Can’t Offer a No-fly Zone to Ukraine”, Asheville Citizen Times, Bert Crain, 3/18/22

- “Urgent Need for Abolition of Nuclear Weapons” Asheville Citizen Times 3/29/22, Brita Larsen Clark

-Letter to NC senators and representatives concerning current risk of use of nuclear weapons and the dire consequences that would ensue. Prepared by Bert Crain, signed by all attendees. Bert will mail to our legislators.

-Goals and Methods -for the chapter briefly addressed. This will be a plan we will refer to on an ongoing basis and plan to address one component at each meeting.

Group concurs we can reach a larger audience with use of social media. Terry will contact Ellen Thomas and ask if she could provide in-service on use of one social media platform.

-Membership, group concurs we address the issue of increasing membership.

-Report on meeting of the Committee on Abolition of Nuclear Weapons. Committee urges speaking out to the public and legislators concerning the current heightened risk of the use of nuclear weapons. Bert

-ONE PSR, Chapter Leaders Meeting. Scott attended and reports that fundraising was the topic addressed.

- Consensus is to continue in-person meetings in-doors with precautions, at The First Congregational United Church of Christ on third Friday of each month

-Items for next meeting? Consideration of transitioning to a state-wide chapter. Social Media use. Membership growth.

-Next meeting: May 20th. Social and bag lunch 12:00-12:30, business meeting 12:30 -2:00 PM, at First Congregational United Church of Christ

Terry Clark

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