March 18, 2022
Minutes WNCPSR March 18, 2022
Attendees: Terry, Brita, Scott, Robert, Irma, Phil Bisesi, Sallee, Dot, Leslie, Lew, Lynn, Bert
I. Approval of minutes of 2/18/22
II Treasurer’s report, balance: $1,896.92, Scott Baker
III. Business
letters to Editor published: Bert Crain, “Why We Can’t Offer a no-fly Zone to Ukraine” Asheville Cit Times 3/18/22
-Report by Bert Crain on Committee on Abolition of Nuclear Weapons, Committee members are deeply concerned about the heightened risk of the use of nuclear weapons associated with the war in Ukraine. An additional committee meeting set.
- Group discussion: Do we resume in Person Meetings? Group consensus is that it has become safer, regarding Covid risk, to meet in person. Precautions need to be taken such as do not attend meeting if you have symptoms that could be covid, maintain social distance, masks can be worn except when eating or if cannot be heard speaking. We have reserved the classroom at the First Congregational United Church of Christ for the third Friday of each month
- Chapter leaders report. No report, Terry
- Chapter Leadership, Terry is stepping down as chairman of the chapter. Scott Baker has offered that he is willing to serve as chairman of the chapter. A motion is made and seconded, discussion held and Scott is elected as Chairman of the chapter
WNCPSR Chapter goals and Tasks: Scott Baker presented a draft report of the goals and the tasks to achieve these goals. The report has been distributed.
Group concurred that focus on nuclear weapons issues is the immediate, most important work. Methods and ideas for achieving these tasks/goals presented and discussed.
Plan: Several group members agreed to to lead this focus on nuclear weapons related issues and plan strategy. We will establish an executive committee.
-Bob Howarth reviewed an Article from Asheville Citizen Times by Froma Harrop that states the necessity of developing world-wide clean energy sources has become increasingly essential. This is prompted by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as well as ongoing environmental degradation by use of fossil fuels. It is necessary for Europe and others to ween off Russian oil and gas. Bob Howarth
- Announcement of two webinars:
1. Maintaining the Nuclear Peace, 11 AM on 3 22 22, look up link at Stimson Center
2. Nuc dangers in Ukraine, 3 29 22 look up link at Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
Dot pointed out that there is progress on development of geothermal generated power. An informative video on geothermal energy:
Next meeting: April 15, 2022 at First Congregational United Church of Christ.
Terry Clark