July 15, 2022
Minutes, WNCPSR, July 15, 2022
Meeting at the First Congregational United Church of Christ, (FCUUCC)
Attendees: Rachel Bliss, Lew Patrie, Lynn Patrie, Scott Baker, Bob Howarth, Charles Mahan, Leslie Poplawskie, Brita Clark, Terry Clark, unable to attend: Phil Besesi, Salle DeTomaso, Dot Sulock, Mike Dickinson, Mary Olson, Bert Crain
I. Minutes of 6/17/22, Approved as written
- Thank you to Leslie for the workshop on Twitter on 6 17 22
II. Treasurers report, Scott, balance, $1,573.32, $120 Check to FCUCC
-Monitoring of Covid risk. Concern expressed that we may be starting into another surge of covid infections with a very contagious variant. Terry and others will confer and decide if we return to Zoom facilitated meetings.
- Completion of roster of regular recent attendee members. Please review and advise Scott of any missing information.
- WNC People’s Declaration of Peace, Rachel Bliss presented the Declaration of Peace, 2022 to be read at a public site on September 21st, International Day of Peace. Group members voiced support and commended Rachel and others for this Peace advocacy project. Brita moved, Charles seconded, group unanimously supported that the chapter endorses the project and we donated $50 to help with expenses. Thank you Rachel.
- Hiroshima Day of Remembrance set for Sat., August 6th 4:00 til 6:00 PM
at site of former Vance Monument in downtown Asheville. Bring posters and banners
- Hiroshima/Nagasaki Remembrance action to be held at site of cherry tree donated to Asheville by this chapter, Brita and Leslie will place a sign at the tree for August 6th thru 8th describing that the tree commemorates the victims of atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Brita will bring small potted plants for free distribution accompanied by a note urging abolition of nuclear weapons
- House considering National Defense Authorization Act for 2023 of $813 billion plus $37 billion. Amendments submitted for some sensible decrease allocation of dollars. Both amendments voted down. Plan: regroup and assess what next step with the bill.
- Chapter name change to PSRNC, Terry will communicate with national regarding the process. Group encouraged that we get younger NC physicians and med students and residents active with PSR.
- Planning to show movie “The Man who Saved the World”. We will ask Dot re progress on this.
- Recruitment of younger people and 3 way call with national staff, Jasmine Owens and Taylor Johnson. Plan: Terry and Scott will confer re this.
- First meeting of States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, held in June in Vienna. Mary Olson of Asheville, spoke in a pre- meeting conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons, hosted by Austria. She spoke on the disproponiate adverse effect of radiation on girls and women.
- Review of Bylaws, pending
- Letters: Leslie and Terry are working on an open letter to Mr Putin, Mr Biden and Mr Zelensky and other world leaders to resume talking to each other as this war is horrible, headed towards increasingly poor outcome, risks nuclear war and destruction of life on earth.
- Bob Howarth agrees to write a letter or guest column to Asheville Citizen Times on the commemoration of the victims of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
-Catholic Committee of Appalachia, Sept 16-18, Black Mountain. WNCPSR will table at the conference concerning nuclear weapons. Plan: next meeting arrange who will staff the table.
One PSR Meeting, Scott attended via phone. Noted that Jasmine Owens, Lead Organizer and Policy Coordinator spoke about the Emerging Leaders Program and Ambassadors Program. Other focus was the potential ill effects of gas stoves, due to carbon monoxide.
-Attention to Phil’s request to hold out door meetings. Some expressed concern of finding an out-door site that is conveniently located, good acoustics and weather factors. Preference agreed upon to switch to zoom meetings if covid risk warrants.
- Discussion of the article Leslie circulated that pointed out the relationship between commercial nuclear industry and the nuclear weapons program.
Essentially the nuclear weapons industry needs and utilizes technology and expertise in producing and managing nuclear weapons.
- Next meeting Friday August 19th
Terry Clark