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May 20, 2022

Minutes, WNCPSR May 20, 2022 (prepared 5 24 22) 

Meeting at First United Congregational Church of Christ

Attendees: Scott Baker, Dot Sulock, Bert Crain, Lew Patrie, Lynn Patrie, Brita Clark, Terry Clark, Unable to attend: Phil Bisesi, Sallee Detomaso, Bob Howarth, Irma Howarth, Mary Olson

I.) Review and approval of minutes, as written, April 15, 2022

II.) Treasurers report: Scott, Bert

balance last report: $1,873.32

check sent to Winn King for website management, $240

Contribution, Phil Bisesi $60

Balance 5/20/22 $1,693

III.) Business

- Presentation of Thank You vase to Terry in recognition of his years of service as Chapter chairman

- Roster of chapter steering committee

Scott circulated a list of members of the steering committee, and requested others to update list. Preference of mode of communication requested (e-mail, text, Facebook listed) Plan: update, review again next month.

- Officers:


Terry-Vice Chair and Secretary

Treasurer, Bert

Executive Committee-Scott, Terry, Bert

- Report from the PSR Committee on Abolition of Nuclear Weapons, Bert, Notes response to the article in the Wall Street Journal that US needs to prepare for nuclear war. Notes continued focus on increased support for Back from the Brink goals and The Treaty on Abolition of nuclear weapons. 

- Brita announced Presentation by Mary Olson in Vienna related to the meeting of the signatories of the Treaty on Abolition of Nuc Weapons set for late June 

Education of the public: group concurs that the risk of nuclear weapon, especially the horrible humanitarian consequences (e.g. suffering and death) must become prominent in the public’s consciousness in order to prevent the use of nuclear weapons. Noted that communication on a visceral level is most effective. All other issues become irrelevant if nuclear war/ World War III happens.

Letters: Dot and Bert sent around a letter signed by all present, and information packet to all North Carolina, US congressional Representatives and Senators re the risk of the use of nuclear weapons and urging support of the goal of the The Treaty on the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons

-Other correspondence: group concurs that we will send at least one letter per month to local newspapers, the Asheville Citizen Times and The Mountain Express. Bert will sent a letter this month to ACT and Dot will send a letter to Mountain Express.

Group addressed Task I from the document, Goals, Tasks and Methods, “Make nuclear Disarmament an Urgent Issue Among the Public”

Currently it is a non-issue yet actually it is the issue of all issues. Some of the actions to consider include letter writing, op-eds, protests, visits to legislators, working with communities of faith, presenting to various groups, participating in parades, demonstrations, museum exhibits, art. etc (list is incomplete and needs more planning).

-Ad hoc Committee established Planning for participation in various activities to educate the public and to create more signs or banners. Committee established, Bert, Dot, Scott, Leslie, Brita and Terry will meet to plan and develop signs and banners, report back to other members and consider what activities we will do to inform the public. Committee meeting set for Thursday, 5/26/22, at 12:00 noon at Clark’s home. 

-Request sent by Phil Bisesi to send financial donation to Doctor’s Without (DWB) towards their work in Ukraine. Group concurs that DWB does great work. We, as individuals are sending donations and encouraged we continue to do so as individuals. Agreed that this can be discussed further.

-Group unanimously votes to become the North Carolina rather than Western NC Chapter of PSR Plan: further discussion.

- Attendees concurred we will continue to meet monthly at the First United Congregational Church of Christ, continue covid precautions.

-Next meeting, Friday 6/17/22 at First United Congregational Church of Christ, 20 Oak Street 12:00 til 12:30PM, Social and bag lunch; 12:30 -2:00PM business meeting

Terry Clark